FOSUserBundle Canonicalization

FOSUserBundle stores canonicalized versions of the username and the email
which are used when querying and checking for uniqueness.
The default implementation simply makes them case-insensitive to avoid having
users whose username only differs because of the case. It uses  `mb_convert_case()`
to achieve this result.


> If you do not have the mbstring extension installed you will need to define your
> own `canonicalizer`.

### Replacing the canonicalizers

If you want to change the way the canonical fields are populated, simply
create a class implementing `FOS\UserBundle\Util\CanonicalizerInterface`
and register it as a service:

``` yaml
# app/config/config.yml
        class: Acme\UserBundle\Util\CustomCanonicalizer
        public: false

You can now configure FOSUserBundle to use your own implementation:

``` yaml
# app/config/config.yml
    # ...
        email_canonicalizer:    my_canonicalizer
        username_canonicalizer: my_canonicalizer

You can of course use different services for each field if you don't want
to use the same logic.


> The default implementation has the id `fos_user.util.canonicalizer.default`.