FOSUserBundle Command Line Tools ================================ The FOSUserBundle provides a number of command line utilities to help manage your application's users. Commands are available for the following tasks: 1. Create a User 2. Activate a User 3. Deactivate a User 4. Promote a User 5. Demote a User 6. Change a User's Password **Note:** > You must have correctly installed and configured the FOSUserBundle before using > these commands. ### 1) Create a User You can use the `fos:user:create` command to create a new user for your application. The command takes three arguments, the `username`, `email`, and `password` for the user you are creating. For example if you wanted to create a user with username `testuser`, with email `` and password `p@ssword`, you would run the command as follows. ``` bash $ php app/console fos:user:create testuser p@ssword ``` If any of the required arguments are not passed to the command, an interactive prompt will ask you to enter them. For example, if you ran the command as follows, then you would be prompted to enter the `email` and `password` for the user you want to create. ``` bash $ php app/console fos:user:create testuser ``` There are two options that you can pass to the command as well. They are `--super-admin` and `--inactive`. Specifying the `--super-admin` option will flag the user as a super admin when the user is created. A super admin has access to any part of your application. An example is provided below: ``` bash $ php app/console fos:user:create adminuser --super-admin ``` If you specify the `--inactive` option, then the user that you create will no be able to login until he is activated. ``` bash $ php app/console fos:user:create testuser --inactive ``` ### 2) Activate a User The `fos:user:activate` command activates an inactive user. The only argument that the command requires is the `username` of the user who should be activated. If no `username` is specified then an interactive prompt will ask you to enter one. An example of using this command is listed below. ``` bash $ php app/console fos:user:activate testuser ``` ### 3) Deactivate a User The `fos:user:deactivate` command deactivates a user. Just like the activate command, the only required argument is the `username` of the user who should be activated. If no `username` is specified then an interactive prompt will ask you to enter one. Below is an example of using this command. ``` bash $ php app/console fos:user:deactivate testuser ``` ### 4) Promote a User The `fos:user:promote` command enables you to add a role to a user or make the user a super administrator. If you would like to add a role to a user you simply pass the `username` of the user as the first argument to the command and the `role` to add to the user as the second. ``` bash $ php app/console fos:user:promote testuser ROLE_ADMIN ``` You can promote a user to a super administrator by passing the `--super` option after specifying the `username`. ``` bash $ php app/console fos:user:promote testuser --super ``` If any of the arguments to the command are not specified then an interactive prompt will ask you to enter them. **Note:** > You may not specify the `role` argument and the `--super` option simultaneously. ### 5) Demote a User The `fos:user:demote` command is similar to the promote command except that instead of adding a role to the user it removes it. You can also revoke a user's super administrator status with this command. If you would like to remove a role from a user you simply pass the `username` of the user as the first argument to the command and the `role` to remove as the second. ``` bash $ php app/console fos:user:demote testuser ROLE_ADMIN ``` To revoke the super administrator status of a user, simply pass the `username` as an argument to the command as well as the `--super` option. ``` bash $ php app/console fos:user:demote testuser --super ``` If any of the arguments to the command are not specified then an interactive prompt will ask you to enter them. **Note:** > You may not specify the `role` argument and the `--super` option simultaneously. ### 6) Change a User's Password The `fos:user:change-password` command provides an easy way to change a user's password. The command takes two arguments, the `username` of the user whose password you would like to change and the new `password`. ``` bash $ php app/console fos:user:change-password testuser newp@ssword ``` If you do not specify the `password` argument then an interactive prompt will ask you to enter one.