Using a custom storage layer

FOSUserBundle has been designed to allow you to easily change the storage
layer used by your application and keep all of the functionality
provided by the bundle.

Implementing a new storage layer requires providing two classes: the user
implementation and the corresponding user manager (you will of course need
two other classes if you want to use the groups).

The user implementation must implement `FOS\UserBundle\Model\UserInterface`
and the user manager must implement `FOS\UserBundle\Model\UserManagerInterface`.
The `FOS\UserBundle\Model` namespace provides base classes to make it easier to
implement these interfaces.


> You need to take care to always call `updateCanonicalFields` and `updatePassword`
> before saving a user. This is done when calling `updateUser` so you will
> be safe if you always use the user manager to save the users.
> If your storage layer gives you a hook in its saving process, you can use
> it to make your implementation more flexible (this is done for Doctrine
> using listeners for instance)

## Configuring FOSUserBundle to use your implementation

To use your own implementation, create a service for your user manager. The
following example will assume that its id is `acme_user.custom_manager`.

``` yaml
    db_driver: custom  # custom means that none of the built-in implementation is used
    user_class: Acme\UserBundle\Model\CustomUser
        user_manager: acme_user.custom_manager
    firewall_name: main


> Your own service can be a private one. FOSUserBundle will create an alias
> to make it available through `fos_user.user_manager`.


> The validation of the uniqueness of the username and email fields is done
> using the constraints provided by DoctrineBundle or PropelBundle. You will
> need to take care of this validation when using a custom storage layer,
> using a [custom constraint](