This document details all changes between different versions of JMSSecurityExtraBundle: 1.4 --- - allowed @SecureParam to be used on class-level (similar to @PreAuthorize) - added the ability to exclude certain attributes from IDDQD-checks - improved error messages for security expressions - several annotations now also accept arrays of roles in addition to comma-separated strings 1.3 --- - added a reverse interpreter for expressions - added logging of votes for expressions - added a generic expression function compiler for service callbacks making it easier to create custom expression functions 1.2 --- - added a secure random number generator service - several bug fixes 1.1 --- - The configuration option "secure_controllers" has been removed. This setting is now automatically enabled, but it requires the JMSDiExtraBundle. - The dependencies of this bundle have changed: * The metadata library 1.1 version is now required instead of the 1.0 version (if you are using the Standard Edition, just change the "version=origin/1.0.x" line from your deps file to "version=1.1.0"). * The JMSAopBundle is now required. For installation instructions, please see * The JMSDiExtraBundle is now required if you want to secure your non-service controllers (if you only have service controllers, you don't need it). For installation instructions, see - The attribute "IS_IDDQD" has been renamed to "ROLE_IDDQD" - A powerful expression-based authorization language has been added which works in combination with the existing voting system. Since it is much more powerful than the built-in voters, and also much faster, you are highly encouraged to migrate your existing authorization rules to expressions, and eventually disable the built-in voters entirely. Some examples for how to convert simple attributes to their equivalent expressions are listed below: * IS_AUTHENTICATED_ANONYMOUSLY -> "permitAll" * IS_AUTHENTICATED_REMEMBERED -> "isAuthenticated()" * IS_AUTHENTICATED_FULLY -> "isFullyAuthenticated()" * ROLE_FOO -> "hasRole('ROLE_FOO')" - The ability to configure method access control (e.g. for controller actions) in the DI configuration has been added. Note that for non-service controllers the JMSDiExtraBundle is required. - The "is_expr_granted" Twig function has been added if you want to check an expression from a Twig template. 1.0 --- Initial release